Academic Degree: Computer Science ( Moscow Aviation Institute ), 1987.
2005.09 - 2006.09 University of California, Los Angeles,
Computer Science Department, Visiting Scientist
1998.04 - nowdays, Fukuoka University,
Department of Electronics Engineering and Computer Science, Professor
1992.04 - 1998.04 Kyoto University,
School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Lecturer
1990.10 - 1992.04 Kyoto University,
School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering,
Visiting Researcher
1986.10 - 1992.04 Technical University of
Moldova, Department of Computers, Assistant Professor, Associate Professor
(1990.05 -1992.04)
1982.10 - 1986.09
University of Aerospace Technology (former Moscow Aviation Institute),
Research Associate
1980.12 - 1982.09 Technical University of Moldova
(former Kishinev Politechnical Institute), Department of Computers, Lecturer
Vasily G. Moshnyaga concentrates his research investigations on hardware and software design of application specific systems with particular emphasis on smart and assistive technologies and applications. More specifically, he is interested in new information processing algorithms, communication technologies, hardware and software architectures and design techniques capable of implementing human functions, sensing and recognizing human activities and intentions, and assisting humans in daily life.Academic Society:
IEEE (Computers Society, Circuits and Systems Society),Senior Member
Last Updated: Jan.2017